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2021-11-05 | 作者: | 来源: | 点击率: 【小  大】【打印】【关闭】

  1.      Britain’s Birds: An identification guide to the birds of Great Britain and Ireland/Rob Hume, etc.

  2.      The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought/MICHAEL RUSE

  3.      Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin/Christian P. Muller and Kathryn A. Cunningham

  4.      Invasive Species:What Everyone Needs To Know/DANIEL SIMBERLOFF

  5.      Epigenetics Of Cancer Prevention/Anupam Bishayee, PhD

  6.      Natural Products Chemistry :Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Phytochemistry / Tatiana G. Volova, etc.

  7.      The Evolutionary Biology of Species/Timothy G.Barraclough

  8.      Topological Data Analysis For Genomics And Evolution:Topology in Biology/Raul Rabadan, etc.

  9.      A Field Guide to The Reptiles of Thailand/Tanya Chan-ARD, etc.

  10. Genome Engineering via CRISPR-Cas9 System/Vijai Singh

  11. Genome Editing :A Comprehensive Treatise/Gurbachan S. Miglani

  12. Effects of Climate Change on Birds/Peter O. Dunn

  13. Fish Ecology, Evolution and EXPLOITATION:A NEW Theoretical Synthesis/Ken H. Andersen

  14. Shrews, Chromosomes and Speciation/Jeremy B. Searle

  15. A Closer Look at the Comet Assay/Keith H. Harmon

  16. Radio Frequency and Microwave Effects on Biological Tissues/Jitendra Behari

  17. Secondary Findings in Genomic Research/Martin Langanke

  18. Population Ecology in Practice/Dennis L. Murray

  19. GPCRs: Structure ,Function, and Drug Discovery/Beata Jastrzebska

  20. Current State and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity/Ashok Kumar Rathoure , etc.

  21. Essentials of Landscape Ecology/Kimberly A. With

  22. Studying Primates: How to Design, Conduct and Report Primatological Research/JOANNA M. SETCHELL

  23. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology :Protein Interactions as Targets in Drug Discovery/Rossen Donev

  24. Handbook of Zoology: Gastrotricha, Cycloneuralia and Gnathifera/Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa

  25. Protein-Protein Interaction Networks :Methods and Protocols/Stefan Canzar,etc.

  26. T-Cell Receptor Signaling:Methods and Protocols/ Chaohong Liu

  27. Principles OF Virology:V.Ⅰ Molecular Biology:/Jane Flint,etc.

  28. Principles OF Virology:V.Ⅱ Pathogenesis and Control/Jane Flint,etc.

  29. Theoretical Ecology:Concepts and Applications/Kevin S. McCann, etc.

  30. Amphibian Evolution:The Life of Early Land Vertebrates /Rainer R. Schoch

  31. Pan-genomics:Applications,Challenges,and Future Prospects/Debmalya Barh,etc.

  32. Principles OF Cell Biology/George Plopper

  33. Lehninger:Principles of Biochemistry/David L. Nelson

  34. The Ancestor’s TALE:A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life/Richard Dawkins,etc.

  35. Freshwater Fishes of North America:Characidae to Poeciliidae/Melvin L. Warren,etc.

  36. The Ecology of Tropical East Asia/Richard T. Corlett

  37. Rates of Evolution:A Quantitative Synthesis/PHILIP D. GINGERICH

  38. Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2/David W. Macdonald,etc.

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